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"...I can only offer you one pathway of decision framing and making: Aloha, as articulated and lived by Aunty Pilahi Paki is not one thing but is a process and layered reality and is itself A Way of being, of seeing, of doing...


The seeds of CREA-HI were planted at the 2013 CREA International conference in Chicago. Upon returning home, an ad-hoc group of attendees from Hawai‘i met intermittently in the ensuing years.

In 2016, the group coalesced to formally apply as a chapter through CREA International. At the Chicago conference that year, a reception was held for 50 Hawai‘i attendees. Since then, several community gatherings, or "Hana Hou" convenings around O‘ahu have fostered learning and sharing amongst the Hawai‘i CREA community at-large.

At two strategic planning meetings in 2017, the CREA-HI steering committee decided to support and hold convenings that promote CREA and also demonstrate aloha-based CREA practices through collaboration and potential pilot projects.

The Evaluation with Aloha framework was published in 2019, and in 2020 CREA-HI seeks the share more with the community at large

CREA-HI is co-hosted by the Consuelo Foundation, Office of Hawaiian Affairs and Lili‘uokalani Trustthe local affiliate for CREA International.


October 2013

First Cultural Evaluation Hui Meeting


Intermittent and recurring "Cultural Evaluation Hui" Meetings hosted at Consuelo Foundation


"Cultural Evaluation Hui" applies for formal

CREA-HI status as a CREA International affiliate and meets monthly at Consuelo Foundation

CREA-HI Chapter and Consuelo Foundation

host a reception at the CREA International

conference in Chicago

Manu Meyer, Shawn Kana‘iaupuni and

Kathy Tibbetts host the "CREA Hana Hou"

gathering at University of Hawaii‘i West O‘ahu

2nd "CREA Hana Hou" hosted at Kōkua Kalihi

Valley's Ho‘oulu ‘Āina

May and June 2017

CREA-HI Steering Committee Retreat to solidify

strategic actions and mission

1st Kūkulu Kumuhana convening established 6 dimensions of Native Hawaiian wellbeing

3rd "CREA Hana Hou" gathering at Kānewai


CREA-HI hui drafts the Aloha Evaluation Framework

2nd Kūkulu Kumuhana convening at Bishop Museum explores the wellbeing dimensions in practice


CREA-HI hui publishes the Aloha Evaluation Framework & shares at conferences

First CREA track at H-PEA conference 

3rd Kūkulu Kumuhana Collider event brings together local practitioners to share on the ground implementation 


Second CREA track at H-PEA conference 


4th Kūkulu Kumuhana gathering at Kaiwakīloumoku launches "micro-collaborations" with community organizations to pilot local implementation 

Fourth CREA track ar H-PEA conference

CREA-HI guest authors a week of blog posts for

the American Evaluation Association 



Native Hawaiian Data Sovereignty statement published

CREA-HI dissolves their conference track at H-PEA due to an overwhelming amount of CREA presentations and co-chairs the conference  

...To remind us: We must act with/in:

Akahai: kindness, to act and to speak

with kindness

Lōkahi: unity, to bring about harmony

in spite of differences

‘Olu‘olu: pleasantness, internal 


Ha‘aha‘a: modesty, humility, openness

Ahonui: patience, waiting for the ripe

moment – to persevere...


...Make no mistake: Aloha is hard to do, to achieve, to internalize, to practice every day with each interaction. Aloha is my way of prayer, my challenge, my practice, my Way."


-Aunty Puanani Burgess


Aunty Puanani Burgess

Kathy Tibbetts

Pālama Lee

Lisa Watkins-Victorino

Herb Lee

Sharon Simms

Dawn Mahi

Patrick Uchigakiuchi

Paula Morelli

Peter Mataira

Tom Kelly

Emily Makahi

Sara Bolduc

Jackie Ng-Osorio

Kristin Anderson



Aunty VerlieAnn Malina-Wright

Akiemi Glenn

Brandon Ledward

Cheryl Ka‘uhane Lupenui

Kapono Ciotti

Summer Maunakea

Sylvia Hussey

© 2017-2020 by CREA-HI

Evaluation with Aloha design by STACEY LEONG DESIGN

All photos © Ka‘ōhua Photography

Website design and maintenance by Consuelo Foundation

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